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About Us

Never Stop Growing

The University of Ibadan Technology and Engineering Alumni Association is an organization whose aim is to establish networking connections among engineering and technology alumni members through a recognized forum for the free exchange of ideas, association & influence that can help stimulate appropriate global interaction and foster professional networking able to benefit the members, the network and the alma mater.

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Through the Alumni community, past and present students can support one another and the faculty to move forward.
Leverage on the network to move your career forward. Get fast access to exclusive opportunities.
As a community of brilliant engineers and technologists, you have a pool of people with amazing experiences in moving ideas forward.
Alumni Network

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We are glad to be taking first steps to connect new and old students of the Faculty of Technology of the prestigious University of Ibadan. This new community will foster student and faculty development, scholarships and endowments, research and development, career development, perks and opportunities and so on. You also get easy access to new and old members of the faculty across the world. 


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